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NFT Insurance Guide

All About NFT Insurance

A lot of people are seeking answers to questions about NFT insurance. Search queries like these; “Can I insure NFT?” “Does NFT have insurance?” are increasing daily. Find out all you need to know about Non Fungible Token (NFT) Insurance; how do you insure your NFT?

A lot of questions are beginning to pop up about Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) insurance. And one of the most popular of these questions is that; “Can NFT be insured?” You guessed right! NFTs can be insured.

Thanks to the innovation approach of new generation crypto insurance companies such as, Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io. The insurance industry is developing new forms of coverage, specifically designed around the risks inherent in NFTs.

Cryptocurrency Insurance offers protection for your crypto assets, NFTs and other digital assets.

Facts And Questions

What are NFTs?

NFT stands for “Non-Fungible Token.” It is a blockchain technology-based mechanism that allows individuals to monetize digital content. The value in NFTs is that like physical assets, digital assets can be scarce and in turn, traded purposefully.

A report released by Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io, confirmed that the NFT marketplace traded over 10 billion dollars in the third quarter of 2021. That is an astonishing 38,000% increase over the year. It is clear that NFT is an emerging asset class for investors. The question now is; "what is making a lot of people to choose the NFT market?"

NFTs Can Be Insured

To protect NFTs and other digital assets, the insurance industry is developing new forms of coverage, specifically designed around the risks inherent in NFTs.

"It's definitely the Wild West out there," said Michael Giusti, senior writer at insurancequotes.com, an Austin, Texas, insurance marketplace. "Just because someone sells an NFT doesn’t mean they necessarily owned the underlying asset ... It would be like someone standing in front of their neighbor’s house with a counterfeit deed. Just because someone paid money for that deed doesn’t mean they now own the house."

Giusti wrote a report about insuring NFTs. Just like any other cryptocurrencies, tokens can be insured under certain circumstances, for certain losses. It is possible to insure NFTs across different risk vectors. Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io is one of the few insurance companies offering NFT insurance options.

NFT is a Growing Market Place

The main motivation for most people investing in NFT is the long-term value potential of the NFT market. In an increasingly digital world, the popularity and need for digital assets has increased significantly. Another significant contributing factor is Facebook’s recent shift towards the Metaverse. This is making the digital world get closer than we ever imagined.

Another attraction for NFT investors is the chance to establish “social capital.” This social capital refers to the physical capital equivalent of owning an exclusive wristwatch or an exotic automobile. NFT projects and digital assets have also created a community of individuals who use the NFT marketplace to start a brand. Others flaunt their social capital thereby linking themselves with the crypto community.

What Does NFT Insurance Offer?

NFTs take on a wide range of forms whether it be art, digital currency or simply an asset. The challenge is valuing an NFT at a fair market price. Under a typical insurance policy, a fine art piece can be valued based on its purchase price. Conversely, with an NFT, the value fluctuates rapidly, a point which has left many insurers hesitant to insure digital assets.

Industry leaders are concerned with both first-party and third-party exposures in the NFT marketplace. Although a potential solution for third-party exposures is a well-structured cyber liability policy. First-party exposures may present a greater challenge to insuring NFTs. Tangible assets and collectibles are valued very differently.

The manner in which NFTs are stored may have a significant impact on how they are underwritten. There is a shift within the art industry, where digital artists can buy and sell their digital art. Sharon Henley is the vice president of research and development, and offers insights into benefits;

Benefits of NFT Insurance

As a digital asset, the coverage options available for NFTs used to be limited. But thanks to Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io, NFTs is now covered under a standard digital assets insurance options. This coverage is designed to protect against all forms of danger on both hot and cold storage. This policy also covers decentralized finance and digital auction house such as fine arts/digital artwork would likely not provide coverage.

Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io offers accurate valuation data. There are a lot of different opportunities on the horizon. Traditional “insurers are scrambling to figure out how to provide coverage for those selling, buying, or trading the non-tangible assets.” Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io also offers insurance coverage for NFTs can protect against fraud and intellectual property claims.

Limitations of NFT Insurance

As a digital asset, the coverage options available for NFTs are limited. For example, NFTs would not be covered under a standard homeowners or renters insurance policy. This is because coverage is designed to protect against perils causing physical damage, such as fire or vandalism. First-party exposures under a personal lines policy such as fine arts/digital artwork would likely not provide coverage.

This is due to the current lack of accurate valuation data. However, there may solutions on the horizon. Traditional “insurers are scrambling to figure out how to provide coverage for those selling, buying, or trading the non-tangible assets.” In the future, the hope is that insurance coverage for NFTs can protect against fraud and intellectual property claims.

Get Best NFT Insurance for Your Digital Assets

NFTs were not covered by the standard traditional insurance policy. What this simply means is that personal property policies covering valuables like artwork do not cover intangible items. NFT insurance is complicated further by pricing fluctuation. A lack of consensus about the value of NFTs at any given time is also another factor, unlike the relatively stable dollar bill.

A cyber insurance policy may provide coverage for digital asset restoration. A blockchain is a decentralized system that does not reside in any one place. Indeed, the whole purpose of a blockchain is that it is not supposed to be owned by a single entity. And cyber insurance policies and smart contracts may exclude cryptocurrencies from their definitions of money and securities.

How Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io Can Help

Cryptocurrency Insurance provides comprehensive coverage for all your crypto assets and NFTs. In addition to helping you protect your other unique valuables personal collections, and everything that matters to you. Contact the Cryptocurrencyinsurance.io personal crypto and digital assets insurance team anytime, they are always available to help. Get the best crypto insurance policy with the best crypto insurance company today! Visit: www.cryptocurrencyinsurance.io